Lab 5 - HTTP Payload ManipulationΒΆ

Collect an HTTP payload, change it, and release it to the client. As in the previous lab replace Damn with Darn, or get creative.


  • Estimated completion time: 20 minutes
  1. Open Chrome Browser

  2. Enter https://bigip1 into the address bar and hit Enter

  3. Login with username: admin password: admin.F5demo.com

  4. Click Local Traffic -> iRules -> iRules List

  5. Click Create button

  6. Enter Name of HTTP_Payload_iRule

  7. Enter Your Code

  8. Click Finished

  9. Click Local Traffic -> Virtual Servers -> Virtual Server List

  10. Click on https_irules_vip

  11. Click on the Resources tab

  12. Click Manage button for the iRules section

  13. What should you do here? (Hint: Remove Stream_iRule)

  14. Click the Finished button

  15. Open the Firefox browser

  16. Enter https://dvwa.f5lab.com and ensure you get there and it is HTTPS