Lab 3 - HTTP to HTTPS RedirectΒΆ

  1. Create an iRule to redirect all traffic that arrives at an HTTP virtual server to be redirected to the same IP address but using an HTTPS port.
  2. The full original HTTP request should be maintained when re-directing. Example http://my.domain.com/app1/index1.html should redirect to https://my.domain.com/app1/inex.html
  3. Traffic goes to the HTTPS virtual server should still perform the pool selection and should still perform the header stripping from previous labs.


  • Estimated completion time: 20 minutes
  1. Open Chrome Browser

  2. Enter https://bigip1 into the address bar and hit Enter

  3. Login with username: admin

    password: admin.F5demo.com

  4. Click Local Traffic -> iRules -> iRules List

  5. Click Create button

  6. Enter Name of HTTP_to_HTTPS_iRule

  7. Enter Your Code

  8. Click Finished

  9. Click Local Traffic -> Virtual Servers -> Virtual Server List

  10. Click on http_irules_vip

  11. Click on the Resources tab

  12. Click Manage button for the iRules section

  13. Click on HTTP_to_HTTPS_iRule from the Available box and click the << button, thus moving it to the Enabled box, your first and now second iRule should be in the Enabled box.

  14. Click the Finished button

  15. Open the Firefox browser

  16. Click the 3 horizontal line button on the far right of the address bar

  17. Use developer tools in Mozilla, or use Chrome to view headers

  18. Look at the headers for each of your requests. Did you log them all? What is the value of the Server header? None of this should have changed since the last lab.